Research Marketing

IDC MarketScape Excerpt: Worldwide Data Clean Room Technology for Advertising and Marketing Use Cases 2023–2024

IDC MarketScape Excerpt: Worldwide Data Clean Room Technology for Advertising and Marketing Use Cases 2023–2024

LiveRamp Named a Leader in Worldwide Data Clean Room Technology for Advertising and Marketing

The IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Data Clean Room Technology for Advertising and Marketing Use Cases 2023–2024 is an independent evaluation of technology solutions that allow collaboration and matching of consumer data while preserving privacy and ownership.

Evaluating clean room technology for your organisation? Download the excerpt to:

  • Explore how data clean rooms can help you enrich first-party data, expand and activate audiences, and effectively measure impact
  • Discover the key criteria to consider from a business, technical, and regulatory perspective
  • Learn about LiveRamp’s privacy-centric approach, data sources, and global partners in retail media, TV, and walled gardens

“LiveRamp is suitable for enterprises working in any cloud environment, and data collaboration can occur across clouds in their solution. When examining use cases that include enrichment or activation, LiveRamp has a very long list of established partnerships.” – IDC MarketScape

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