180 Days To A Cookieless Future

With all the changes in the advertising ecosystem, marketers need to ensure they can achieve better business outcomes — now and in the future. LiveRamp can deliver addressable, high-value consumers without cookies and device identifiers across any channel. And you can do it in 180 days or less.

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Clock on top of books next to potted plants

The First 60 Days

Days 61-120

Days 121-180

Beyond 180 Days

Our industry has reached a crossroads where we can move forward with a transparent, privacy-conscious approach to user authentication, or risk the same faults we saw with the cookie. Our advice to clients is to invest in authenticated solutions that will maintain consumer trust moving forward."
Digitas Logo Liane Nadeau, SVP, Head of Investments and Precision Media, Digitas North America

About LiveRamp’s Authenticated Identity Infrastructure

LiveRamp’s Authenticated Identity Infrastructure improves consumer transparency, experiences, and privacy. For brands, it powers people-based activation, measurement, frequency capping, suppression, and retargeting without relying on third-party cookies or device identifiers.

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